Rectangle Tree Pendant With a 20-inch sterling silver chain (1.5 mm) Sterling silver with a mother-of-pearl background with a bioDOT embedded on the back. [The bioDOT is a bodyDOT = wearable technology].
Rectangle Tree Pendant With a 24-inch sterling silver chain (1.5 mm) Sterling silver with a mother-of-pearl background.
Small Round Tree Pendant With a 20-inch sterling silver chain (1.5 mm) Sterling silver with a mother-of-pearl background with a Body/Bio DOT on the rear. Available chains: 20 or 24-inch sterling silver.
Small Round Tree Pendant With a 24-inch sterling silver chain (1.5 mm) Sterling silver with a mother-of-pearl background. Available chains: 20 or 24-inch sterling silver. Available chains: 20 or 24-inch sterling silver.
Discontinued Tree Locket - Oval - With 20-inch black leather necklace (3 mm) Sterling silver with a mother-of-pearl background and a Body/Bio DOT and Aqua DOT inside. Please note: The locket is sealed closed to avoid losing the Energy DOTs inside.
Discontinued Tree Locket - Oval - With 20-inch sterling silver chain (1.5 mm) Sterling silver with a mother-of-pearl background. Please note: The locket is sealed closed to keep from losing the Energy DOTs inside the locket.
Discontinued Tree Locket - Oval - With 24-inch sterling silver chain (1.5 mm) Sterling silver with a mother-of-pearl background. Please note: The locket is sealed closed to keep from losing the Energy DOTs inside the locket.
Discontinued Tree Locket - Round - With a 20-inch black leather necklace Sterling silver with a mother-of-pearl background. Please note: The locket is sealed closed to keep the Energy DOTs stored inside from falling out.
Triple Package - Body/Bio DOT + Smart DOTs All 3 DOTs can be placed on cell phones to include the Wearable option Choose where you want to stick both the Body/Bio DOT and Smart DOTs combination package. Includes: 1 Smart DOT Set = 1 device.
1 Bottle - Tropin Spray - 1 Month Supply Contains amino acids and vitamins that provide support to enhance healthy and normal pituitary function. Tropin spray instructs the body to increase its own production of human-growth-hormones (HGH).
3 Bottles - Tropin Spray - 1 Month Supply Contains amino acids and vitamins that provide support to enhance healthy and normal pituitary function. Tropin spray instructs the body to increase its own production of human-growth-hormones (HGH).
6 Bottles - Tropin Spray - 1 Month Supply Contains amino acids and vitamins that provide support to enhance healthy and normal pituitary function. Tropin spray instructs the body to increase its own production of human-growth-hormones (HGH).
Detailed information on the side effects that can arise from these surgeries is provided, including high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, fibromyalgia, sexual dysfunction, and bladder and bowel problems. Includes Hormone Help.
Combining the author's personal experiences with the most recent medical data, this book offers a unique exploration into the issues surrounding hysterectomy, ovary removal, and hormone replacement.
$14.95 $16.95
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